2012 – Finishing Projects
2012 is going to be the year of finishing projects. I have so many quilts started, or even fabric purchased and some set aside for a quilt. I need start finishing things. Plus, with the new baby, we're a little cash strapped. Focusing on projects that don't require much spending is perfect. I'm sure I'll need to purchase some fabric for quilt backings or batting or thread, but those won't be huge purchases, I hope.
Of course, these are just the quilts that I'm aiming to complete this year. I have a few other projects going on, too!
- Oliver's quilt: Need to baste and quilt it
- Subway Map: Need to figure out if I have all the squares, make the missing ones, and sew the quilt top
- HST Quilt with AMH fabrics: I sent this out for the January Sew Modern Bee (more details soon)
- Quilt-as-you-go Queen-size: Need about 20 more squares. I'm planning sending this out to the Wonky Quilt Bee to help me finish it!
- HST baby quilt: Need to construct a back, baste and quilt it.
- [3 x 6] and 4×5 Bee Blocks: After this round, I think I'm one block short. I need to create one block, and sew the quilt top together.
- Kaleidoscope Quilt: I'm not sure how many blocks I have done nor how many I need to do to finish the top. It's been stashed away for several months.