
[3 x 6] Bee Blocks Received

Another quilting bee that I've joined is the [3 x 6] Bee.  This is an ongoing bee that has many members each in a "hive".  Each quarter you make six of the same block in the colors requested by each of the members.  In turn, you receive six blocks, each a different layout, but the same colors.

Here are mine from the first quarter of this year.  The colors I chose were gray, orange, and blue.  They are colors I wouldn't normally choose for myself, and this was a perfect opportunity to go outside my comfort zone, again.

One thing I like about bees is the ability to try out new blocks, either those requested by a  member, or something that has inspired me.

We're well into the second quarter with this bee and I've requested the same colors.  My plan is to keep the colors for the year, end up with about 24 squares and make a large quilt.  I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out!

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