Liam + walking + upcoming birthday = ???
Work has been (and will be) super busy this week. As a result, I haven't found the time to sew, photograph, and write posts about the projects. I usually do some of this in advance and have a few posts queued up, but that didn't happen this weekend, either.
I am working on a super secret project for a little guy who will be turning one in a couple weeks. We're celebrating his birthday this weekend, so I need to finish the project by Sunday. That can easily be done. I just need to figure out how to sew though about 12 layers of fabric and 12 layers of batting. My sewing machine can't do it!
Luckily, Liam doesn't read my blog, so I can write about his project without his seeing it. Plus, his little one-year-old brain won't remember it anyway. He's seen me working on it and I don't think he even knows.
To tide you over until the next crafty post, here's a video that Jordan made of Liam walking. The sound track Jordan used is hilarious!