Where has it gone? This week went by quickly and I didn't make a single post. I'm still here.
It's the end of the year at school (work). Our last day is this Thursday, ridiculously late. So, I've been busy with end-of-the-year things.
Liam has been more active and only takes one nap a day now, so I've lost my weekend time to sew and craft. And, last weekend, I focused more on knitting than on quilting. That means that I didn't actually finish anything, since knitting takes so much longer. I made progress, though.
This summer I want to do some more clothing sewing. The only thing I've successfully sewn is skirts. It's time to move onto other things both for myself and for Liam. It's an area I don't have much experience, so it's a little unsettling to embark on that type of sewing. It's a bit less forgiving.
I have a few patterns I'd like to try out. I bought some Swedish Tracing Paper and am waiting for it to arrive. I made a mock up of a sleeveless shirt for myself and I think I've figured it out, except for the neck and arm facings. I can't quite figure out how those fold over.
My busy 15-month-old is wanting to play. A completely random post that sums up week. Little bits of time smashed together in seven days.